
Whether your church or ministry has never spoken about abortion or does so on a regular basis, there are next steps that you can take in creating a safe place for post-abortive women.

Educate church/ministry staff and attenders about the impact of abortion on women.

Schedule an annual update for ministry and support staff.  Invite a post-abortive woman from We are Everywhere in to share a bit of her story.  Discuss the thoughts and fears that are common among post-abortive women in Christian circles.  Review the possible physical, emotional, relational and spiritual consequences that can result from an abortion decision.

When you share a message about abortion on a Sunday morning or at another large group event, have informational resources about the potential negative impacts available in the church.  Brochures, booklets, or handouts can be placed in bulletins or at the information desk.  (See Resources Page for suggestions).  Christians not personally impacted by abortion may not understand the extent of the devastation that can take place in the life of a woman who has experienced abortion.

Invite a post-abortive woman to share her journey to healing during a church service or ministry event – either live or via pre-recorded video.

Pray about educating your youth group on the topic, as well.  More than half of all U.S. abortion patients in 2014 were in their 20’s at the time of their abortion.  Equip youth before they go off to college, the military or workforce with truth.  Tell them now where they can go if they find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy.  

Speak specific words of grace and forgiveness directed toward women who have had abortions in church on Sundays, at women’s ministry events and during campus ministry meetings throughout the year – and not just in January for Sanctity of Human Life Month.

Remember: When it is never mentioned in ministry settings, individuals affected by abortion may subconsciously start to believe that it really is too big and too bad to be talked about.  But, when the spiritual leader in the church or ministry– pastor, priest, deacon, etc. – brings abortion to the attention of those in attendance and then devotes a portion of the message to sharing assurance of God’s forgiveness and redemption for post-abortive women, that makes a difference.

These words of hope should be spoken annually at a minimum.  This does not require an entire sermon around abortion.  Whenever the amazing truth about the shed blood of Jesus which covers all sin is shared, abortion can be mentioned.

Women’s luncheons, Bible studies, retreat weekends, and conferences are ideal venues for this message to be shared.  It may be wise to consider inviting a post-abortive woman to share – about her own story, but also about the healing journey that redeemed her brokenness and which has allowed her to minister to others who are stuck in a dark place of fear, regret and shame after abortion(s).  Abortion need not be the focus of the event.  In fact, we recommend that it not be the sole focus.  15-20 minutes can provide the time needed to broach the topic, share the potential negative impacts and encourage those affected to reach out for help.

Provide resources for help and healing in a non-threatening manner.

Any time abortion is addressed in church or ministry settings, resources should be provided in a non-threatening manner.  Do not underestimate the anxiety of a post-abortive woman about her secret.  She will not walk across the church lobby to the information desk to look at the available resources for healing and wholeness after abortion.  Place a resource handout in each bulletin/program so that everyone receives it.  This serves two purposes:

1 - the post-abortive woman has the resources right in her hand – looking it over at the same time as every one else

2 - it is likely that others in attendance have friends or relatives who have been negatively impacted by abortion.  This resource handout could be the perfect way for a grace-filled conversation to take place.

Place small posters on the inside of the stalls in the ladies restrooms which list possible physical, emotional, relational and spiritual after-effects of abortion.  We find that women many times do not realize that some of the struggles that they are experiencing in their lives may be a result of past abortion(s). Add information about helping resources that are available in your church or community.

Invest in a supply of books, brochures, etc. that can be given to a woman who does approach a spiritual leader in the church or ministry asking for help.  See the Resources page for suggestions.

Consider ways to directly minister to post-abortive individuals in your church and community.

Encourage staff members to respond empathetically to anyone who reveals a past abortion or abortions – in the same loving way that they respond to any other difficult issue. This response could be as simple as:

Ashley, thank you for sharing.  I can tell that was a negative experience in your life.  Do you want to talk more about it?

Recruit a specific staff member – or a post-abortive woman who demonstrates that she has embraced Christ’s forgiveness for her abortion – that can be called on to spend intentional time with post-abortive women.

Encourage mental health professionals who attend your church or ministry events to become fully equipped to provide counseling services to post-abortive individuals.  The American Association of Therapists Treating Abortion Related Trauma ( seeks to professionalize the treatment of abortion related trauma – bridging the gap between research and practice.

Pray about hosting a post-abortion Bible study or support group at your church or within your ministry group.  These groups can be held in a different location and/or time from other groups that are meeting to ensure confidentiality.  Churches and ministries have support groups and Bible studies for those impacted by divorce, addiction, pornography – and even as caregivers for loved ones with dementia.  Rarely is there a similar focus in the local church to help the post-abortive individual find his/her way to live fully in the freedom and forgiveness of Christ.  That simply should not be.  There are several organizations in our country that provide excellent workshops designed to develop a firm foundation for effective ministry to post-abortive women and men.

Contact us.  We would be happy to brainstorm ways that you can bring this topic to the forefront in an effort to free women from places of isolation and secrecy where Satan delights to keep them.  We desire to see women living as powerful forces for the Kingdom of God as they boldly proclaim what Christ has done for them.  (Revelation 21:11)

Support the Ministry

There are women sitting in church across our country who are hiding the fearful secret of past abortion. Partnering with We Are Everywhere allows us to expand awareness to the fear, shame, and regret that abortion causes women - particularly women in the church - and to help those women find healing and wholeness in Christ.
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We Are Everywhere, PO Box 202, West Fargo, ND 58078