Do-It-Yourself Abortions

Kay Kiefer
September 13, 2021

I often listen to talk radio while driving.  One of my favorites is ‘Mornings with Carmen LaBerge’ on Faith Radio.  Carmen covers the news of the day from a Christian perspective.  Recently, I heard a guest on her show speak about do-it-yourself abortions.

Do-it-yourself abortions???  Did I hear that right?  I had never heard this phrase before.  I did an internet search when I got home and sure enough – there it was.

My heart sank as I read several of the search results.  In response to legislative efforts to limit abortion in states across the country, abortion advocates have pressed hard to find ways to expand the availability of medical abortion (through use of oral drugs mifepristone and misoprostol).

Abortion pills by mail (aka: do-it-yourself abortions) appears to be a major focus of this effort.

I remember when the medical abortion regimen received FDA approval in the United States in 2000.  It was heartbreaking for those in the pro-life movement.  The initial approval came with parameters which were supposed to ensure the safety of those taking the pills.  Those parameters have eroded over the past 21 years.  The pills can now be obtained through the mail in some locations.  They can be taken for up to 77 days gestation instead of the original limit of up to 49 days gestation.  More physicians can prescribe the pills.   What happened to the concern over the health and safety of women?

I have concerns about the physical health of women as more of them choose this route to ending their pregnancies - there are risks involved.  Several years ago, the movie Unplanned was released in theatres.  It includes a fairly graphic reenactment of one woman’s medical abortion while she was alone at home.  It is difficult to watch, but is of value to get a window into this experience.

I also have huge concerns about the emotional and spiritual health of these women.

Abortion providers and advocates frequently point to the privacy and self-controls aspects of medical abortions as a positive selling point.  Women don’t need to be in a medical facility – at least at the completion of the abortion process.  They can be in their own homes or other location of their choice.  They can be alone or with whomever they wish.

‍Stop and think about this for a minute:  women taking medication which is designed to end the life of their unborn child at home – and possibly alone – with no medical oversight.  When the abortion is completed, they will be left to deal with the tiny unborn human that is expelled from their bodies. There are no medical personnel present to shield the sight from view and to remove it for disposal.I can’t even imagine how devastating this could be to a woman’s mental health – to see this result of the choice she made.

And, what about her spiritual health?  God’s word tells us that He sees us and knows us when we were being formed in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139).  Now here - on her bathroom floor or in the shower or in the toilet - she sees this little one.  This is God’s creation - this one whose life she has chosen to end.  The regret can be immediate and crushing.  And the fear – the fear that what she has done cannot be forgiven.

My heart breaks for these women – as it does for all women who experience abortion.  Depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation are already epidemic in our country.  Abortion only adds to the numbers.  I believe that do-it-yourself abortions will result in increasing numbers of women engaging in all manner of self-harm.

Please hear me:  I am not saying that surgical abortion is a better alternative than medical abortion.  Abortion is abortion.  Any form of it is destructive and against God’s plan.

As Christians, we need to have eyes to see those who are hurting and respond to them in love and grace.  I hope and pray that women who make this choice will find their way to healing and wholeness in Jesus Christ.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

Until next time –
