In the beginning...

Kay Kiefer
May 1, 2018

It started one Sunday morning in January 2017 as I sat in church listening to our pastor answer the questions 'Why church? Why missions?'  His message was centered around Acts 1:8 - But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit come on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

I was gripped by the sense that God was saying something to me.  I just wasn't sure exactly what He was talking about.  But, as the months marched by, the free-floating thoughts and ideas began to take shape.

Let me back up for a moment and say that speaking and writing about abortion would not have been my first choice for ministry.  I would have been very happy to have received the gift of music - to be able to inspire people to raise their hands in praise at the sound of my voice.  I would much rather be like Tammy who pours herself out in service to families with young children.  Or like Shari - who opens her home on a weekly basis for teens from her church and  loves on them like crazy.  No, not me.  Instead, I become passionate when talking about abortion and how it can wreck lives.  I want the church to sit up and take notice.  I want Christians to understand that abortion is not an isolated issue.  I want to see women freed from those dark places of fear and shame and regret - and watch them become powerful forces for the Kingdom of God.

I am convinced that there are currently women sitting in nearly every church in the country who are unable to live fully for the Lord - who are unable to experience the fullness of life that come from Jesus Christ (John 10:10).

These women sit in church services, in Bible studies and in small groups.  They teach Sunday School and sing on the worship team.  Some of them are pastor's wives.  No one would ever know by looking at them that they have a fearful secret:  they have had abortions.

They hear the sermons on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday each January about the atrocity that is abortion.

They hear the conversations in the lobby after services, when those around them ask:  what kind of woman would ever have an abortion?

And, when they hear those things, they believe that they need to guard their secret more closely than ever.  Satan confirms this by whispering lies to them......

no one else here has had an are the only one......

if they find out, they will never look at you the same way...

...pastor must not know what you have done.  He just said that abortion is murder... did the worst thing anyone could ever do.  God won't forgive that... are a terrible person.  No one can ever truly love you, accept you...

The thing they rarely hear - but, oh so desperately need to hear - is that the work that Jesus Christ did on the cross covers even the sin of abortion.

The truth about the horror that is abortion needs to be spoken.  But, that message needs to be accompanied by specific messages of God's grace, mercy and forgiveness for those who have been involved with an abortion.  Those words are rarely, if ever, spoken in church.  The absence of these words makes the lies of Satan become louder and louder in the hearts and minds of the post-abortive.

As I started to share these ideas with other Christians, I received head nods and words of agreement.  My thoughts resonated with other post-abortive women I spoke with.  Most of them had never heard their spiritual leaders speak these specific words.  If they had heard the words, they felt that they were left hanging, unsure of what to do next.  They had no idea where to go or who to talk to.

I formed a working partnership with several dear friends who have also experienced the devastation of abortion in their lives.  A growing number of women have joined us in this effort.  We desire to see the church reach out in love and grace with the message of reconciliation (1 Corinthians 5:11-12) to those affected.  We believe Scripture tells us that the work Jesus did on the cross covers all sin - including the sin of abortion (1 Peter 3:18; Psalm 103:12).

That is how We are Everywhere was born.

We are Everywhere is an effort to expand awareness about the impact of abortion.  We encourage pastors, priests, ministry leaders and Christian individuals to speak specific words of God's love and forgiveness over those who have been involved in abortion.  We challenge churches and ministries to go further by providing resources in a non-threatening manner to allow post-abortive women and men to seek healing and wholeness, while maintaining their privacy.  We believe this can begin to break the lies that imprison so many, preventing them from living fully in and for Christ.