Part 1: January Church Challenge - The Issue and Its Impact

Kay Kiefer
January 15, 2019

Yesterday,  I introduced you to the January Church Challenge. Today, we move on to Part 1 - The Issue and Its Impact.

The issue is abortion.

The impact is immense.

Part 1 of the challenge is for the church – pastors, priests, ministry leaders – to take the time to really understand what abortion is and how it can devastate lives.  How many post-abortive women have you talked to? Really talked to?  Two years ago, a pastor in a neighboring community was near retirement when abortion became real to him. He thought he knew what it was all about…and then he met Linda. Linda had not been to church for years. She was drawn to his church, but felt that he may not want her there among his congregation if he knew about her past abortion. This man was stunned by the thought that anyone would think such a thing. He journeyed with Linda through her healing process and has never been the same. He gets it. He understands how deep the wounds caused by abortion can cut. He knows that women who regret their abortions are fragile. They are in need of love, mercy and grace – of the assurance Jesus came for them.

Church leaders, consider adding the topic of abortion to a staff in-service for ministry and support staff. Remember that it is estimated that 1 in 4 women will have an abortion by age 45. That means that are likely women in your church who have been impacted. Many of them will struggle emotionally and spiritually after making that decision. And, most of them will never tell anyone at church a thing about it. Invite a post-abortive woman in to share a bit of her story. Discuss with her the thoughts and fears which are common among post-abortive women in Christian circles. Review the potential consequences – physical, emotional, relational and spiritual – that can result.

Ask a post-abortive woman to share her journey to healing during a church service or ministry event – either live or via pre-recorded video.

And, don’t forget about your youth group. More than half of all U.S. abortion recipients in 2014 were in their 20’s at the time of their abortion. Equip youth before they go off to college, the military or workforce with truth. Tell them now where they can go if they find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy.

Abortion has left a deep mark on our country. The church and its people have not escaped.Kim Ketola – author, speaker, and broadcast journalist – writes this: “Abortion is a public health crisis the church is uniquely positioned to address.”

So, stand up, church – let’s address the issue.

I’ll be back with Part 2 of the January Church Challenge on Wednesday.

Until then -
