Part 3: January Church Challenge - Share the Resources

Kay Kiefer
January 17, 2019

Every time abortion is addressed in church or ministry settings, resources should be provided in a non-threatening manner that can direct women (and men) to where they can find help and healing. Do not underestimate the anxiety of the individual in your church who hears this message and has this secret in their lives. They are not going to walk across the church lobby to the information desk to look at the available resources for healing and wholeness after abortion. It’s not going to happen.

Place a resource handout (customized pdfs available free of charge from We Are Everywhere) in each bulletin/program so that everyone receives it. This serves two purposes:

1. The post-abortive woman has the resources right in her hand – looking over it at the same time as everyone else.

2. It is likely that others in attendance have friends or relatives who have been negatively impacted by abortion. This resource handout could be the perfect way for a grace-filled conversation to take place and for that person to get help.

Place small posters on the inside of the stalls in restrooms which list possible physical, emotional, relational and spiritual after-effects of abortion. Many times, women do not realize that some of the struggles they are experiencing in their lives may trace back to that abortion decision – even if it was 40+ years ago. We Are Everywhere has several posters available free of charge – just contact us for the pdfs and print away!

Invest in a small supply of books, brochures, etc that can be given to a woman who does gather up the courage to approach a spiritual leader in the church or ministry asking for help. Check out the Resource Page on our website for ideas.

Thanks for hanging in here with me for all three parts of the January Church Challenge. I pray that your heart has been stirred by the possibility of seeing those stuck in dark places of fear, regret and shame come into the light and begin to live fully in the freedom Christ offers.  Share these messages with your pastor or priest. Contact We Are Everywhere with questions or concerns. We would be happy to help your church begin to minister effectively to those hurt by abortion.

Blessings –
