Sanctity of Human Life 2022

Kay Kiefer
January 13, 2022

It’s January –  Sanctity of Human Life Month once again.

Consider the devastation of 49 years of legalized abortion on demand in the United States.  49 years.  Around 1 million abortions each year.  Over 63 million babies aborted since the Supreme Court decision on January 22, 1973.

Joseph Stalin – whose 30-year totalitarian regime tactics led to the death of millions - has been credited with saying, “The death of one man is a tragedy.  The death of millions is a statistic.”

This year, I would encourage you not to let the statistics around abortion dull the tragedy of the loss of 63 million human lives.

First of all, take the time to remind yourself what abortion is.  Elective abortion ends the life of a developing human being in horrific fashion.  Shawn Carney and Steve Karlen in their new book “What To Say When” make this point:  “…it is disrespectful to give credence to the defense of a barbaric procedure that kills an innocent person.  We never give any credibility or respect to any other form of child abuse.”[1] Dr. Anthony Levantino is a former abortion provider who now works to reveal the facts about abortion and how they are performed.  You can watch one of his online videos here: .  It is hard to watch and listen to as he outlines the procedures, but these are the facts shared by someone with first-hand experience.

Next, consider those who have been impacted by abortion.  Post-abortive women are literally everywhere.  Current statistics suggest that 1:4 women will have at least one abortion by age 45 in the United States.[2]  That is a lot of women.  Some say it was the best decision they ever made.  Countless others are stuck in a self-made prison of fear, guilt and shame – fiercely guarding their secret for years.  The experts tell us that abortion is safe, with no long-lasting physical, emotional or spiritual impacts.  Silent No More Awareness has literally catalogued thousands of abortion stories by category.  Go there and read a few.  You will find grief, regret and anguish leaping out at you from those who regret past abortion.

Last, pray and ask God to give you a heart for the unborn, for those who find themselves in unwanted pregnancies and for those impacted by abortion.  Look around your community to find the agencies (pregnancy resource centers, maternity homes, Christian adoption agencies, etc) committed to life and ask how you can help.  If you can’t find one in your immediate community that is a fit for you, there are many state, regional and national pro-life organizations who also need help...including We Are Everywhere.  Many times, that means sharing financial resources.  It can also mean committing to pray for the organization and their efforts.  Most of these agencies will have numerous resources available either for purchase or free of charge.

Sunday, January 23, 2022 is designated as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday this year.  If your church does not have plans to acknowledge the day, ask them to.  There are numerous resources available online from respected organizations such as Focus on the Family.  Many resources are free and/or downloadable.

The death of millions – and the aftermath of abortion for those left behind – IS a tragedy.

Until next time –


[1] Carney, S and Karlen, S. (2021).  What To Say When. (p. 3). Kolbe & Anthony Publishing.

[2]  Accessed January 10, 2022.